Sunday, 19 June 2011

Natural skin care product, treat your skin with a touch of nature

Lucky are those who are born with flawless skin. But the fact is that not many people are born with this luck. At the same time, even if you were born with the luck of a flawless skin you must undergo regular skincare regime too. The regime must start with drinking plenty of water, washing face as many times as possible and of course using natural skin care product.

No one actually leaves any stone unturned when it comes to look good. Starting from organic sunscreen to cosmetic argan oil, there is simply no dearth of products available to look good. These organic skin care products, primarily herbal based are in sharp contrast to the flood of chemical based skin care products popular in the market. Invariably the chemical products result in a number of side effects if the particular product does not suit your skin. But with organic products, the problem of side effects comes to an end.

The natural products are obviously made of natural ingredients like jojoba, rose hip seed oil, shea butter, beeswax, witch hazel, aloe vera and tea tree oil. The natural skin care products which are now high on demand are primarily based on these things only.

Chemicals do have an unfavorable impact on skin. Yet there has been a period of time when chemical cosmetics outdid herbs in demand. It has been observed that chemicals work faster on skin, alleviating the problem only after a few days of use. Yet, the problem is never alleviated from the root. It may again surface after a few days.

But unlike chemicals, natural skin care product needs patience of the customer. These products take comparatively longer time to patch up the ravages on skin. But, usually the problems do not come back again.

But, how to choose a product? Even if this is natural skin care product and is not like the traditional medicine that we get from the prescription of the doctor, you cannot pick up any product randomly. It is certain that your skin will not be affected by the natural product, but it is always advised to consult a doctor before you go for any product.

Organic skin care products are always supposed to be creams and lotions made from natural ingredients. Following the demand of natural skin care product, a number of fake companies have come up. While buying an organic product, always check the ingredients. Experts warn that some natural products are not at all good for skin. Do keep a watch on ingredients like mineral oil and dioxane. If you find any of the two in the ingredients’ list of the product, leave the product there.

Mineral oil actually prevents the skin from breathing which is quite unhealthy. Dioxane, which gets absorbed in the skin is said to be carcinogenic. At the same time, try to avoid strong fragrance. It is too reported as carcinogenic.

So when it comes to your skin, be natural without allowing any compromise with quality.


Natural Herbal Supplements- Healthy Way of Living

There is probably no disease, the solution of which is unknown to herbs. Deep rooted beliefs in herbal treatment traces back to centuries before. But, now the reliance on herbs has been regained as a number of side effects of other treatments have been surfaced. Consuming herbs in its original form is not always possible. So, more and more people are resorting to natural herbal supplements for a healthy and chemical free life.

Starting from skin care, herbs have every solution in their kitty. It is not an easy task to know the usefulness of each and every natural skin care product. The task does not end there. You need to know the source of these herbs, identify the particular herb and only after all these arduous tasks the herbs can be used in forms of pills, creams and lotions. Now- a-days herbal solution is just one step away from us. To utilize the available resources, demand for natural herbal supplements has shot up suddenly.

Be it your liver, kidney, eye or your obesity—whatever is bothering you, you can turn to a physician who will suggest you some organic herbal supplements. But, why have suddenly people turned to herbs? It is because they are known to be devoid of any side effect. If you have acne prone skin and you apply some acne creams available in the market, chances of cure are probable. But the cream may not suit you. This is when organic stuff can help you. Even if natural products do not work wonders immediately, they do not result in worsening the situation. It is true that relying on herbal supplements too does involve risk. But the experts say that the risk is worth taking. It has been observed that in most cases these have brought about the desired result.

Taking recourse to organic herbal supplements is a growing fad. Health care experts advice that putting your trust on herbs is good. But the fact is that natural herbal supplements must not restrict it within the circle of contemporary practice or fashion. It should become a lifestyle. To make it adaptable to your lifestyle, you must visit the physician first.

Know from an expert whether you need such natural supplements. Analyzing your body type and present health condition, the physician will guide you about your supplements. These supplements do not have any therapeutic effect and do not promise to cure any ailment. So, the same type of natural herbal supplements may not suit everyone. Consulting a doctor before going for such supplements is a must.

If you choose to have a herbal supplement for your well being, then you must know a little bit about the herbs because fake herbal supplements have spread all over the market. At the same time always remember that these are supplements. They are not your main diet. So continue with your own diet chart. These are only to provide supplement or additional nutrition.

Look younger with natural anti aging

If you have crossed 30, it is humorously said that do not frown too much standing in front of the mirror. It will result in wrinkles on your face. Then you will have to shop a bagful of anti aging creams and lotions. Days after, you will have more reasons to frown when you will find that those products have simply failed to restore your actual age on your face.

To a certain extent natural anti aging refers to natural cosmetic products. You will have plenty of them in any market. Even certain organic mineral make up stuff have also been introduced as a natural treatment of aging. But since beauty is skin deep, skin experts advise that you should try to reduce the age of your body from within and to the larger extent this is what natural anti aging is all about—making you look younger without any external make up. Rather, it is making your body glow with rejuvenation.

Anxieties have been diagnosed as the root cause of aging. So, an organic anti aging regime has to do away with anxieties. Modify your hectic life. Take adequate rest. When you have nothing to do, never invite irritating thoughts. Just relax, meditate and feel happy. The effect of this first step will be visible on your face within a week.

You may have found organic natural skin care products suiting your skin. But you should invest more time and endeavor in planning a good diet rather than cosmetics if you are to follow a proper anti aging process. Stuff your diet with multi vitamins, anti oxidants, mineral supplements. Go for food which contains amino acids and essential fatty acids as all these elements help in repairing the damaged cells.

You may not know which food contains what. Consult a dietician even if you know the sources of these nutrients because the dietary need may vary from person to person according to their body type. So regarding healthy diet, plan one with the help of an expert. Added to all these, drink plenty of water as water is the best natural antioxidant. You can have ‘all-water day’ or ‘all-juice day’ once a week. But that too with consent from your physician.

Overweight makes you look older. So you must pay attention to shed your extra flab. Since, the entire process is supposed to be natural, do not pop slimming pills. Rather, start cycling, swimming or yoga. Get rid of the fat and flaunt a younger body.

Moreover, anti aging procedure is not any single solution based. Alienating stress, reducing body weight, enriching your diet-- you have to combine all and follow the regime regularly and religiously.

Yet again, experts say, natural anti aging should not pose like a burden on you. So you are free to change your routine to maintain your interest in carrying on with the routine. Adopt a positive attitude and take life lightly and easily. Your anti aging regime and discipline may do wonders to your appearance.

Anti aging supplements, recount your age

The process of aging cannot be stopped ever. It has to be admitted that aging will dawn upon you no matter what anti aging cream you apply before going to bed. But, the process can be delayed and made smoother if you follow a few steps. One of them is having anti aging supplements.

best mineral make up
You may get the best mineral make up done before an evening party. But comes the morning and all your freshness is gone. There are a number of anti aging nutrients like multivitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids and anti oxidants. Our daily diet falls short in supplying all these nutrients in adequate quantity for an aging person. So what you need is extra nutrients along with your food.

Natural anti aging process depends on these anti aging supplements largely. So no matter how beautiful you are looking after your Rejuve minerals make up, think before you eat and begin these supplements before you walk into the realm of greying.

A number of skin care companies are attempting to incorporate Acai berry extract into their beauty products. There are a number of supplementary food and medicines made from Acai berry juice. This is because this fruit can be your best friend if you want to follow a natural anti aging regime. The fruit is rich in anti oxidants that can fight the free radicals which can cause damage to the cells inviting signs of age to your body. This, among all other supplements can prevent degenerative diseases like diabetes which are inevitable as aging process starts.

Preventing anti aging is quite easy for Resveratrol, a molecule found in red wine. If you are looking for ever youth supplements, this is something you must have heard about. Like Acai Berry, this nutrient too can be entrusted with the responsibility of fighting with free radicals. Moreover, it keeps your heart too in great shape.
Green tree extract, Gamma vitamin E, Alpha Lipoic acid, CoEnzyme Q10, Omega 3 Fatty acids, grape seed extracts are believed to be the best anti aging products. But when you go to shop for some of these supplements, you will find that a number of medicines, pills and lotions are available based on these anti aging nutrients. So, it may appear that getting the best possible supplement to smooth the wrinkles on your face is quite easy. So, before you buy supplements lured by the advertisements, consult a physician and know which kind of supplements will suit your body the best.

It may happen that your skin may react to an anti aging cream. In that case you have no other choice other than taking medicines. This is when you will need your physician to choose the suitable anti aging supplements for your body. Some of these supplements like green tea are available in their pure form. Consume those and drink a lot of water which works as the best natural anti oxidant. Thus keep in mind your own needs before deciding upon a supplement.

Remove scars with acne skin care product

Acne, the left over of pimples, are the commonest skin problem. Oily skin along with dirt produces pimples. These pimples can turn into acne if left untreated.  An acne skin care product may come up with one stop solution for these acne related skin problems.

Acne creams are the primary products to treat a skin ravaged by acne. But now days there are a number of acne gels, acne scrubs, acne face packs and even acne skin repair treatments to take care of acne.

acne skin care products
For temporary removal of acne, specific make up does wonder. In this process the dark spots are lightened in tune with the color of the rest of the face. If you have terrible acne and have no remedy at hand, and an invitation in the evening, cosmetics like make up, organic mineral make up can be your help. They simply hide the dark spots and make your skin look flawless.

However it is not a permanent solution. Long term effective treatment of acne lies in regular and steady use of various natural products. Oily skin is the hub of pimples and resultantly of acne. So an acne skin care product always aims at reducing the oil secretion from your face. If it is a face wash, before buying it make sure that the product you are buying is meant for oily skin only.

Oil is not the only cause. When this oil gets in touch with dirt, the pimple is formed. So, the first step is to wash the face about five to six times in regular intervals. Products for acne care include some creams which are preventive of pimples. These can also be applied to ward off pimple and acne. At the same time there are face washes which claim to be effective on acne.

acne creams
Even after keeping your face oil free and clean, pimples may break out. The thumb rule is, do not touch them. Do not poke them with nails either. Once the pimple is poked, it leaves a scar that needs assistance of a specialist.

Since creams are oily, acne creams can not but add oil to the skin. So, these acne creams are now surpassed by acne soaps, scrubs and gels. Products for acne include both chemical products and herbal products. Before choosing any specific product for your treatment, consultation with an expert is a must because treatment of acne depends on skin type. A bad choice of product may tell upon your skin and it is your face after all.

There are umpteen numbers of herbal products available for treating your acne. The herbal ingredients of most of these are Aloe Vera and neem, as it is an established fact that both of these ingredients are efficient in removing scars. Grandma’s tried and tested stuff does work wonders but hardly anyone has the patience to try them out. So the second best option is to go organic. Just buy organic stuff off the shelf and enjoy the benefits of age old mantras.